How We Do It
- We prep the FileMaker™ application, database & data for conversion
- We use automated tools including (but not limited to)
FMPro Migrator to perform the following conversions:
FM Database | SQL Database | |
FM Layouts |
Servoy Forms, including all tabpanels & portals |
FM Table Occurrences | Servoy Related Foundsets | |
FM Valuelists | Servoy Valuelists | |
FM Calcs | Servoy Calcs >>>>> | |
FM Summary Fields | Servoy Aggregations | |
FM Field Properties | Servoy Field Properties | |
FM Globals | Servoy Globals | |
FM Custom Functions | Servoy Methods | |
FM Repeating Fields | Related Records |
- We perform the remaining conversion work "by hand":
- Script conversion
- Report conversion
- Simple reports with no sub-totaling are converted automatically
- More complex reports need to be re-done manually
- Minor corrections to layouts & calcs as needed
- Finalize (partially automated) conversion of repeating fields into related records
- Implement field properties (e.g. validation, serialization) not handled by automated conversion
- For features of FileMaker™ that have no direct equivalent in Servoy, some re-design and recoding may be required